Church Staff
Minister - Nima Taylor
Former Buddhist nun
Settled Minister since 2019
"Your heart and my heart are very, very old friends." -Hafez
Administrator - Nolu B
Personal mantra: “If your dreams don't scare you, then you are not dreaming big”
Building Manager - Hans Moolman
“Teamwork makes the dream work”
Church Council
Council Chair - Altaira H
Personal motto: “Make things suck less”.
Treasurer for Office of Social Development - Brady K
Council Treasurer - Xoli M-B
Secretary - Ana V
Other Council Members
Shelley A
Cele E
Leigh M
Gur Milandou Mouanga
As a trained and qualified media communication specialist, Gur Milandou Mouanga worked for many years as journalist, TV and Radio Presenter, News Reporter, Media Consultant and Marketing Agent for various South African and international based firms. He is a qualified and licensed South African bilingual (French, English)Cultural Tour guide and Wine connoisseur.
Member of Cape town Unitarians since 2008, Gur serves as Lay Minister with Social Justice Team.
With the support of the Church, he joined the Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago, USA in 2015 for the ministerial training where he gained a Master’s of Art in Leadership Studies in 2019.
Currently, Gur is pursuing his studies in Dual Master’s program for a Masters in Divinity studies aiming to enter the UU ordained ministry.
Trisha Riedy
Jacky W