This image is from our trip to the !Khwa ttu San Culture & Education Centre
Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
Our theme for October is “Awakening”. This month we’ll ponder how we awaken to the fullness of living. We’ll have diverse reflections on Sundays as well as several social activities throughout the month.
Mid-week Meditation is BACK! Starting Thursday, 5 October, at 12:30 pm, online only.
We are moving our online Chalice Circle to Tuesday evenings, 6-7:30 pm on the third Tuesday of each month.
CTU is sponsoring 10 Santa's Shoeboxes for underprivileged children for the holidays. If you would like to donate, purchase, collect, compile and/or distribute, please let Nima know before 22 October. More information about this wonderful organisation can be found here:
We are also piloting a new section called “Community Corner,” where our members share little bits of news about their life. Please let us know what you think about these changes by emailing
See below for all the great activities happening in our community this August.
With love and light,
Nima // WhatsApp 076 024 9120
In This Issue of the Newsletter
Sunday Services
Somerset West Fellowship
Mid-week meditation - online only
AfrikaBurn informational meeting
Chalice Circle - online only
CTU Community Choir - HYBRID
Bring and Share - IN PERSON
Wellness Workshop ~ Create Your Own Kite
Cape Town International Kite Festival
Chalice Kids - IN PERSON
Please note: All services are hybrid
1 October – Traditional Service: David Whyte's poem "The Opening of Eyes”. This poem speaks to the opportunity we all have to open our eyes to the world around us, and within us. If you have a poem you’d also like to share, contact Nima.
8 October – Buddhist theme: Spiritual Awakening as a practice not a goal: Too often, Buddhism has been seen as a means to an end, to finally and fully become “enlightened”. What if we each have the ability for “many quickies, not longies” as my Buddhist teacher encouraged–the ability to have moments or minutes of awakening, even though we fall back asleep again and again?
15 October – Future of CTU spiritual direction: This is an important gathering for us as a community to explore together the spiritual direction for CTU in 2024. Please plan to attend and bring your ideas and inspiration!
22 October – Awakening to our true purpose: Based on the book “Spiritual Fitness” by Caroline Reynolds. This book provides you with practical exercises and guidance to motivate yourself, communicate authentically, understand your life's purpose and revitalize your energy.
29 October - All Hallow’s Eve: We culminate the month of Awakening by having a celebration of life and death. We invite you to come ready to share how you reflect on this time when the veil between our worlds is thin. Whether you call it Halloween, All Souls Day or Day of the Dead.
Melanie Ferreira
Somerset West Fellowship - IN PERSON
7 October, Saturday, 10:00 am
Vonke House, Chapel Room at 121 Lourensford Road
The guest speaker will be Melanie Ferreira, Melanie lives in Cape Town and is an active member of the Cape Town Unitarian community where she is on the ministry team. The topic of her presentation is “Spiritual Identity and My Journey”.
For the first 12 years of their marriage, Melanie and her husband lived and worked in the UK. She returned to South Africa to find a different path, and to use her degree in psychology more fully. Her journey took a different turn when both of her parents became ill, and she had to take care of them. Following the passing of her mom, she attended the St Luke’s Hospice basic hospice course for volunteers. After that, Melanie found out about Dr. Mary Ryan’s course on Soul Care for end-of-life care. All of this was to understand better how to help her dad who had terminal cancer. After her dad passed on, she attained certificates as an End-of-Life Bereavement Facilitator.
COST: Free, as well as free light refreshments.
RSVP: Contact Dave Mayes at 021 850 0863, or
Mid-week Meditation - online only
Thursdays 12:30 - 1pm
Join us for a time to slow down and focus on your inner health. Nima will facilitate 15 minutes of mindfulness followed by 15 minutes of guided meditation. Afterwards, anyone who wants to stay in the process will have time to share. Contact Nima for the zoom link.
Photo by Ash Edmonds on Unsplash
AfrikaBurn informational meeting
Sunday 8th October 12 - 1pm
Have you ever imagined going to this special week-long experiment in an alternative way of being? All are welcome to find out more about the upcoming AfrikaBurn event happening the last week in April 2024.
Please contact Nima // WhatsApp 076 024 9120 for more details.
Chalice Circle - Online only
17 October, 6:00 - 7:30pm
Third Tuesdays of each month
Join us for some community time and conversation as we explore our October theme of awakening. One of our ministry team members will facilitate a pondering of our theme packet, as we listen deeply to each other and bond as a community. Rev. Berry Behr will facilitate. For more information and the link, contact Nima.
CTU Community Choir-Hybrid
Every Wednesday, 6:30pm - 8:30pm
64 Hout Street and Online
Camille Hatton invites everyone to join our hybrid Community Choir rehearsals. All are welcome irrespective of experience or ability. Each week we will explore some UU hymns, other congregational style hymns, and work on a repertoire for upcoming services. We aim to sing in service once or twice a month when feasible. See this Google doc for more information about choir practice. If you have questions, contact Camille at or on WhatsApp at +1 831 345 6128.
Bring and Share- IN PERSON (Halloween edition)
13 October, Friday, 6:00 pm - Midnight
64 Hout Street
Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble. Witches’ Brew: Dash of cat whiskers, 3 Purple tadpoles, Dollop of goobly goop, 1 Tsp Frozen rainbow, Two pinches of ghost dust, Sprinkle of troll teeth ~ and Generous garnishing of googly eyes encouraged.
You are invited to join us in a frightfully festive early Halloween-themed potluck. Please bring a dish and any libations or potions to share, as we catch up on our ministry of wizarding news and maybe even do a ‘Monster Mash’ number or two on the dance floor.
Event from 6pm through to midnight Please contact Hans via WhatsApp +27 72 127 6497 for any ideas of what to bring. Prickle my thumbs, something wicked this way comes.
October is Mental Health Awareness Month
Wellness Workshop- Create your own Kite at 64 Hout Street
Part One: Saturday 28 October, 1 pm till 5 pm
Imagine the sky is your canvas, where you can let hope fly. You are invited to create and customize your very own arty-crafty kite, unique to YOU! Art and craft supplies and materials to be provided. A small cost for the kite framework may be needed, - to be advised.
Please contact Hans via WhatsApp +27 72 127 6497 to Rsvp.
Part Two: Cape Town International Kite Festival
29 October, Sunday, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
We gather our CTU tribe, to enjoy connecting with one another, with Nature, and with ourselves as we participate in a freeing and joyful activity, to simply fly your kite. We can enjoy a space to just be, to reflect on mental health awareness and to enjoy a share in a communal picnic.
MyCitiBus from town to Melkbosstrand and back, R91 per person. Alternatively, Hans can coordinate with participants who might be willing to carpool.
Please contact Hans via WhatsApp +27 72 127 6497 to Rsvp.
Chalice Kids - IN PERSON
We have a robust Chalice Kids education project every month. If you would like your child to participate, email Nima at She will help you choose the right group for your kid(s) and share the homes where we are meeting.
September Council Meeting Recap
We are now using our CTU Principle Statement to choose our monthly themes.
Jeremiah and Nima are hoping to have the oral history project’s final edited video ready to be unveiled at our Festive Service in December.
Nima and Nolu are continuing to improve the monthly newsletter, with Laura’s mentorship these last many months.
Three grants were given from the UUA to serve underdeveloped areas in Africa. Congratulations to Theo, Gerard and Paula for their success and we look forward to supporting their projects.
The fundraising team has formed a sub-committee to explore opening our building on First Thursdays, for exposure and possible donations.
Lastly, the Council approved a 12-month contract with Hans to lovingly care for our building in return for him living upstairs.
Volunteer Opportunities - Please Share Your Time and Talents with CTU!
Our communications committee is always looking for people who can write, edit, photographand create graphics. Contact Laura on WhatsApp at +27-60-488-0372.
Join the Social Justice committee by contacting Cele on 082 433 8815.
Help with events by contacting Hans on 072 127 6497.
Have questions or comments for Council? Please email us at