Greetings CTU members and friends,
Our theme for November is “healing”, and that sure seems like an important topic for these historic times. We’ll explore how best to heal ourselves, our relationships, our community and our planet. We will also investigate the work of Henri Nouwen, who wrote the seminal work The Wounded Healer, which examines how we can be of service to others, not in spite of our wounds but because of them. As Rumi said, “The wound is where the light enters.”
Note that we will NOT be in the building any Sunday in November due to the work being done to treat the wood beetle infestation.
Hans Moolman’s mother passed away on the 22nd of October. Her memorial was on 26 October in Pringle Bay. Join me in supporting Hans during this difficult time.
Lastly, our dear Pamela Krummeck passed away on 21 October at age 94. Her son, Steve, had moved her to Johannesburg this last winter, allowing them to have some beautiful times together. Her memorial will be on Sunday, 1 November, at 3:30 pm, via Zoom. Meeting ID: 959 5197 2199. Email Nima for the password.
With light and love,
Rev. Nima // WhatsApp number: 0760249120
Sunday, 1 November 10:30 am. What science is telling us about forgiveness and compassion. Many spiritual traditions have rituals and practices to help us give and receive forgiveness and compassion. We’ll explore what scientific research tells us about these two powerful healing processes.
Sunday, 8 November 10:30 am. Buddhist practice of Loving-kindness. Our theme this month is “healing”, and loving-kindness visualisation practices enable us to not only heal ourselves physically, mental and spiritually, but also help heal our relationships with others. Join as we practice “metta” (loving-kindness in Pali) for ourselves and for others.
Sunday, 15 November 10:30 am. Being an activist. Long before COVID, our community was facing many dire issues: gang violence, economic inequality, the climate crises, gender-based violence, and so many others. How do we learn about and understand these issues, so we can take action without getting “activist fatigue”?
Sunday, 22 November 10:30 am. Healing our planet is the most important issue of our generation. Will we destroy our beloved planet? What can we do to turn toward healing and also prepare ourselves as climate change accelerates?
Sunday, 29 November 10:30 am. The Wounded Healer. We will explore the work of Henri Nouwen, Dutch Catholic priest, professor, writer and theologian, who wrote The Wounded Healer, which is a staple for pastoral care work.
Lay Leaders Program
1 Nov. • Sun. • 12 - 3 p.m. on Zoom Rev. Roux Malan continues the second of his three-part series on social justice. All are welcome. Email Nima for info
Spiritual Not Religious Check-In
Every Wednesday • 8 - 9 p.m. on Zoom Every week we meet informally to talk about spiritual topics. Zoom ID:
Chalice Circle Mowbray
5 Dec. • Sat. • 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. All are welcome. This group meets once a month to reflect on a specific spiritual principle. This month's topic is healing. Email Natalie Billings for info + materials
The Somerset West, Johannesburg and Durban Unitarian Fellowships are not meeting at this time.
Santa Shoebox Project Thank you to everyone who contributed so generously, which allowed us to complete 20 Santa Boxes! R4,000 was donated and, in addition, 6 members bought and paid for boxes. A special thank you to our CTU Santa team who shopped, covered and packed boxes!
Game Day Fun Thanks to all who came out for Game Day!
Condolences on the Passing of Nosiphiwo
We express our deep condolences to the Mezi and Malote families on the passing of Nosiphiwo, who visited our church earlier this year with her sister Phumeze Malote. Phumeze taught us about the importance of the ancestors in Xhosa culture and Nosiphiwo drummed. We were blessed. We mourn her passing.
2021 Youth Religious Education Project
Martha Holmes, Shelley Adams and Rev. Nima have been meeting to create a monthly program for the kids in 2021. Stay tuned for more information.
Next Council Meeting is 12 p.m. on Sunday, 8 November.
Buy a Cape Town Unitariants T-shirt Post-lockdown special: Buy one shirt and get one free!
T-shirts are for sale for R150 each. Contact Celeste Esau via WhatsApp at 0824338815 to place your order.
Donate to Cape Town Unitarians
Even though we are not holding in-person services yet, our running costs are the same. We would be grateful if you can EFT a little extra this month to compensate for the in-person collections that we can’t take. Here is our bank information:
Unitarian Church
Standard Bank, Branch 051001, A/C # 070440719
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
If you are struggling financially or emotionally in this time please let Rev. Nima know so that our Pastoral Care Team can provide you with as much support as we can. Thank you.
The Cape Town Unitarians (CTU) are offering a one-year contract for a full time Administrator who will be the glue in our beloved community.
Duties will include handling communications and the monthly newsletter, Council coordination and governance, financial coordination, Sunday services, building maintenance, database management and ministerial support. Please read the full job description here.
The total gross annual package is R144,000 per annum and does not include medical aid or pension benefits. Start date: 01 January 2021. Internal applications are open until 6 November 2021 and interested candidates are asked to send a covering letter and a CV to by 17:00 on this date.
This space is for spiritually-related writing and stories from our members and friends. We know that there are writers among us – please send us your stories and writing. Please email Nima with questions or send her a copy.