Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
Photo courtesy of Wayne Lee Sing
Our theme for July is Play! We have several fun activities planned to nurture play in our lives, like our “celebrating our differences” on the 31st and our Mandela Day activity.
This month we’re hosting several events, including our weekly online meditation, our new “Spiritual Care Cafe” with an online and in-person option, and the Somerset West Fellowship is in-person again starting on 2 July. See below for more information about all these events.
And last but not least, we are very happy to finally share our new Principle Statement, which you’ll find under the Community Updates section. Thank you to Shelley and Melanie for their hard work on this over the past 1+ year.
With a playful heart and lots of love,
Nima // WhatsApp number: 0760249120
3 July – Beginner’s Mind (hybrid): Let’s meditate and release some of our load shedding woes! Join us for a Buddhist-themed gathering with practices that cultivate a “beginner’s mind”. How can we show up in life being more open and playful and curious?
10 July – My Lived Journey of a Cross-Cultural Marital Life (hybrid): Cross-cultural marriages can appear challenging in many traditions especially in Africa. Gur from the Congo has been married to Lungisani from Zimbabwe for more than a decade. On their wedding anniversary (yes, they married on July 10, in the CTU building!) they will share their experiences to inspire those whose cultural differences might be challenging in their relationship. Afterwards, Gur and Lungi will bring traditional African dishes for a meal. Join us! No RSVP needed, but if you’re able, please bring whatever dessert or beverage you might like to share.
17 July – Nelson Mandela Day Eve (hybrid): Hans and Nima are planning a special activity to go along with Nelson Mandela Day, but all details have not yet been finalised as of today. Stay tuned for all the details in next week’s newsletter. We promise it’ll be fun!
24 July – Spiritual Leadership: Theory U is a spiritual practice for transforming our lives and our world. This practice includes sitting in silence and playful creative ways of being with others. Come listen and find out if some of these tools might benefit you in your personal life as well as our beloved CTU community. (My friend Vicky Coates and I are still working on how this might look. Stay tuned for more information….)
31 July – “Celebrating the differences in us all!” (hybrid): Get to know our CTU LGBTQ+ members, as we celebrate that beautiful differences we all have. We hope to create a beautiful ,playful time together as we learn more about each other and ourselves. Come support George, Cele, Hans and others as we support their journeys and wisdom .
2 July (Saturday), 10 am: Somerset West Fellowship Restarts!
The first meeting of the Somerset West Unitarian Fellowship since Covid restrictions were relaxed will be held on Saturday, 2 July at 10 am. The guest speaker is going to be Rev. Bevan Sylvester of Somerset West United Church. His theme is "Thank you for the music." The meeting will take place in the Chapel Room at Vonke House, 121 Lourensford Road. Attendance is limited to 30 people. Those who want to attend can sign up by phoning Dave and Jeanie Mayes on 021 850 0863 or sending them an email at
9 July (Saturday) and 26 July (Tuesday): Spiritual Care Cafe presented by the Spiritual Care Team
Join Nima, Melanie and Karin as we co-create with you a sacred safe space for our community. Come as you are and share your joys, sorrows or concerns; or if you are feeling alone or lonely, come and join us. You are allowed to come as you are, without your sparkle, or if you are feeling particularly sparkly, join us! We are offering this service online and in-person but not as a hybrid event.
In person gathering at the CTU building, 64 Hout Street, will be Saturday, 9 July 3:30 - 5 pm.
Online gathering on Zoom will be Tuesday, 26 July 7- 8:30 pm.
Format: Quaker-style sharing/meditation. Bring a candle.
16 July (Saturday), 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm: Online/Hout Street Chalice Circle – Saturday, 16 July, 3:30 - 5 pm
Nima is leading a Chalice Circle that is always a hybrid event. Contact her at for more details.
17 July (Sunday), 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm: Council Meeting
Contact if you would like to attend. All are welcome.
Chalice Kids
We have a robust Chalice Kids education project every month. This month will be exploring the theme of Joy with some song and dance with drumming! If you would like for your child to participate, contact Nima, who will help you choose the right group for your kid(s). Email Nima at
Young Adults Chalice Circle
We have a group of young adults who gather for various fun activities and deep discussions. Contact Johan Groenewald at +27-82-897-5000 for more information.
Our New Principle Statement
We are happy to share that CTU’s new principle statement was approved at CTU’s Annual General Meeting at the end of May. A huge thanks to Shelley and Melanie, who initiated this process in 2021 because CTU as a community had not consciously examined the origins, wording and meaning of the principles and the impact of taking on another culture’s values, however subtle and over a long period of time. Below is the full text of our new principle:
We are a progressive spiritual tradition that recognises our shared communal responsibility for conscious reconciliation within our locality and the global community, who are a part of our history. We also acknowledge our part in the symbiotic connectedness with all human and non-human life with whom we share this planet. As a result:
We support a respectful, diverse and inclusive community that creates a free, safe space to think, believe and act in accordance with our shared and individual values.
Each voice and perspective is inherently invited and welcomed as they carry significance and importance in our decision-making.
We nurture and embrace each other and the community at large as a basis for our continued sustainability and prosperity.
While these values define who we are as a community, it is in living them that we confirm our commitment to each other.
Share Your CTU Photos for African Unitarians Day in August
We will celebrate African Unitarians Day on Sunday 7 August at 10:30 am. We are asking for you to send photos of Unitarian events or activities that you have attended, along with a description and who is in the photo, to Community by 31 July. We will be creating a collage for the celebration. The photos will NOT be shared on social media, unless you give prior approval.