Photo by Syed Ahmad on Unsplash
Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
Our theme for January is “Renewing Our Spiritual Practice”, so it will be a great month to explore how each of us might recommit to our current spiritual practice, or explore a new spiritual path.
Note that our Pledge Campaign was extended to February. See below some giving options.
Thanks to everyone for the most fabulous Festive Service. May this new year bring many more grand adventures for our beloved community.
Mid-week meditations will be back starting Thursday, 11 January, 12:30 - 1 pm. There is some meditation instruction, sitting in the silence, then a guided meditation at the end. We are no longer adding any discussion at the end. Just thirty minutes of practice and chill time! All are welcome.
With love and light,
Nima // WhatsApp 076 024 9120
In This Issue of the Newsletter - Check out our events page to view our church calendar. This includes events posted in the building and outside of the building. If you would like your event added, please contact us at via email:
Sunday Services
Calendar of Events:
Mid-week Meditations
Somerset West Fellowship (meeting in February)
Chalice Circle
Community Choir
Chalice Kids
Pledge Drive
Community Corner
Attitude of Gratitude
Community Updates
Please note: All Sunday services are hybrid and start at 10:30 am
7 January – Burning Bowl: Join Nima for this annual tradition of reflecting on the past year and exploring what we want to release in order to start fresh with a clear intention in the new year.
14 January – Wu-Wei as a way of living: One of the teachings in Taoism includes Wu-Wei, sometimes translated as trying not to try. In his book of that name, Edward Slingerland explores techniques we can practice to cultivate a more spontaneous, harmonious and natural way of being in the world.
21 January – The Four Divine Abodes of Buddhism: Nima will delve into the teaching on the Brahmaviharas (Divine Abodes) of Loving-kindness,Compassion, Sympathetic Joy and Equanimity. There will be time for some visualisation practice as well as some chanting.
28 January - Water Communion: This month, we ask each of you to collect water from a source near you—a pond or ocean or even from the tap, and bring with you on this Sunday as we celebrate the symbol of water joined together just as we are joined together in our beloved community.
Midweek Meditation returns on 11 January 2024
Every Thursday 12:30 to 13:00 SA time - online only
Join Nima for a gentle practice of breath awareness and guided meditations to shift our awareness to more fully present in each moment.
Somerset West Fellowship - Note *Scheduled for FEBRUARY*
3 February, Saturday, 10:00 am
Vonke House, Chapel Room at 121 Lourensford Road
Guest Speaker: TBD
Topic: TBD
COST: Free, as well as free light refreshments.
RSVP: Contact Dave Mayes at 021 850 0863, or
Chalice Circle - ONLINE ONLY
Meets the third Tuesday of each month
19:00 - 20:30
16 January
Each meeting includes a check-in, time for each person to share about the theme, and a check-out. Theme in January will be “Renewing our Spiritual Practice”. Contact Nima to be added to the group and receive the monthly packet.
Chalice Kids - IN PERSON
We have a robust Chalice Kids education project every month. If you would like your child to participate, email Nima at She will help you choose the right group for your kid(s) and share the homes where we are meeting.
What a joyful festive service this year:
Our dear Denise Benning finally became officially a Unitarian member, after 60+ years with Fred, who recommitted to his membership! Thank you both for being beautiful beloved role models of our Unitarian principles!
Our Christmas Eve Bring and Share was a delightful and joyful event for all!
“… To get full value of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with.” ~ Mark Twain
Just sharing an attitude of gratitude to some of our members for gifting their time, talents and treasures to our community
Thank you Annie Kamya for hemming and tailoring some of the Shweshwe print tablecloths that decorate our building. We so appreciate your finishing touches that helps to finesse the homely feel of our building. Thank you 🙏🏽
Thank you Bronwyn Frick for generously and lovingly sharing your culinary conquests at our recent, Christmas Eve, Bring ‘n Share. Not only are Bronwyn’s roasted potatoes spudtacular 😬👌🏽 but her venture into baking macaroons, gives me the feeling the best is yet to crumb! 🙄😋 Her savoury contributions ensured that we did not all end up in a desserts-only emergency room. Our holiday tummies and waist lines are ever grateful for your yummy, home-cooked meal contributions, always made with love. Thank you 🙏🏽
Thank you Cynthia Marais, who brings her artistic flair to ensure our social events always have a sense of occasion 🎩🪄💫 Whether adding a touch of magic to our enchanting Christmas tree, or assisting with any last minute decor details, or spontaneously concocting some fusion inspired haute cuisine entrée from a non-existent pantry, your contributions are always an experiential gift to behold. Your limitless creativity and your open and full hearted hospitality to our community is a priceless gift. Thank you 🙏🏽
Thank you Camille Hatton for blessing us with your love of music, for your passion and commitment, to bring harmonious sounds of healing to our community. While this is just one gift from a diverse repertoire of many talents you grace our community with, your musical guidance and stewardship, helps us to ‘find the song in our hearts, … when we have forgotten the words.’ Thank you 🙏🏽
Thank you Altaira Hatton for the sense of life and vitality that you breathe into our spiritual home through your passionate greening initiatives 🪴💚🙏🏽 The potted plants that you gifted (complete with crystals 💎🌈) and your on-going care and stewardship of their growth and wellbeing adds an organic life-affirming resonance and helps to nurture and nourish our house of worship, essentially, as one of healing. Thank you 🙏🏽
Thank you Melanie Ferreira for your gift of illumination 🕯🙏🏽 your gracious contribution ensures that our chalice remains forever lit, that we are always able to find our way out of the darkness. Your concerted efforts to source and purchase candles ensures that we are able to stay true to the multi-hued spectrum of the unifying flame, and that we can always come together as one, as we share in our joys, sorrows, concerns and gratitudes, in community. Thank you 🙏🏽
Council meeting will be Sunday 21 January 12:00 - 2:00 Contact Nima if you’d like to attend, so you can receive the documents.
A Message From Your Communications Committee
We have a media consent form and would love your help ensuring all members sign it! In essence, we want to begin gathering and sharing more memories digitally. However, we also strongly believe that each person has a right to refuse to have their images shared online. Please take a moment and fill out our media consent form so we can begin sharing our memories online.
Volunteer Opportunities - Please Share Your Time and Talents with CTU!
Our (Growing!) Communications Committee is always looking for people who can write, edit, photograph and create graphics. Contact Altaira or Camille on WhatsApp at +1 831 345 6128.
Join the Social Justice committee by contacting Cele on 082 433 8815.
Help with events by contacting Hans on 072 127 6497.
Have questions or comments for Council? Please email us at