Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
Our theme for February is “Widening the Circle”. We will explore how we might expand upon the practice of radical inclusion. This will be the topic of our first Sunday.
Note that our Pledge Campaign was extended through February. See below some giving options.
Check out a new social activity Hans is calling Create_Space. Details below. It’ll be fun!
With love and light,
Nima // WhatsApp 076 024 9120
In This Issue of the Newsletter
Check out our events page to view our church calendar. This includes events posted in the building and outside of the building. If you would like your event added, please contact us at via email:
Sunday Services
Calendar of Events: Somerset West Fellowship, Mid-week Meditations, Create_Space, Wardrobe Rejuvenation, How to Lead a Sunday Service, Community Choir, Chalice Circle, Chalice Kids
Community Corner
Community Updates
Please note: All Sunday services are hybrid and start at 10:30 am
4 February – Traditional Service: Join us for a monthly traditional service. Our theme is Widening the Circle, and we’ll explore ways how each of us can do that in our everyday lives, as well as spiritual practices that support our value of radical inclusion. (*Note: Alexios will not be playing this month).
11 February – Valentine’s Day. “All you need is Love!”: Join Nima for a service devoted to songs about love. If you have a favourite love song, let Nima know, so it can be included.
18 February – RAIN = Recognize, Allow, Investigate, Nurture. Nima will explore the practice of RAIN, as taught by Tara Brach. It’s a helpful practice to more easily cultivate mindfulness and compassion.
25 February - Zen Service: Roux and Nima will explore Zen as a universal spiritual path, beyond any specific religious tradition.
Somerset West Fellowship - In Person
3 February Saturday, 10:00am
Vonke House, Chapel Room at 121 Lourensford Road
Guest Speaker: Oscar Siwali
Topic: The guest speaker will be Oscar Siwali. Oscar is the Director of the South African Development and Reconstruction Agency (SADRA). He has developed 18 years’ experience as a pastor into a career as a mediator, and problem solver. He has provided advice and training for many organisations in South Africa and a laundry list of countries in Africa on the subjects of conflict resolution, human rights, HIV and Aids, and skills development. He also does training programs for a wide variety of organisations.
COST: Free, as well as free light refreshments.
RSVP: Contact Dave Mayes at 021 850 0863, or
Mid-week Meditation
Every Thursday 12:30 to 13:00 SA time - online only
Join Nima for a gentle practice of breath awareness and guided meditations to shift our awareness to more fully present in each moment.
10 February, 9am through 4pm
64 Hout street, CTU building
Starting in February, every 2nd Saturday of each month, you are invited to create_space : to unplug from your daily obligatory duties and demands, to make yourself a priority, by gifting yourself a moment to engage in a creative, mindful, exploratory fun activity of your choosing.
Arts and crafts, haberdashery, boardgames, a comfy cozy reading nook or group storytelling, playing your vintage LP records or any creative hobbies, or maybe that pet project that has been on the back-burner a little too long … you are encouraged to utilize our spiritual home as a metaphoric ‘blank canvas’, a space for sharing creative passions and to build connective community. Feel free to come chill for the day, or pop in for a few hours to say “hi”, it’s completely up to you, how you wish to connect with your Self, and with your tribe💜
While we will have some basic arts & crafts supplies and gear to start us off, we appreciate any support from your time, talents and treasure to share in community. Have some fun homely decor items that can help curate a homely ambiance, please get in touch. Baked some fresh cookies or marshmallow rice krispie treats for the kids, and miraculously there is a spare batch left? The pizza coupons in your drawer are about to expire, and you’re thinking wherever could you still use them? Any treats to fuel and feed the creative brood would be greatly appreciated 😋🙏🏾 After all, there is no place like home 🥰
Please contact Hans via WhatsApp +27721276497 if you have any ideas or creative contributions to make create_space be the best it can be! Thank you for your support 🕯️🌈🙏🏾
Wardrobe Rejuvenation will be part of Create_Space!
Saturday, 10 February
64 Hout Street
Wardrobe rejuvenation sessions led by Annie Akinyi Kamya consist of knowing the basics of sewing. Machine stitch can be taught if you provide your domestic machine. The main skills will be hand-stitching (basic, blanket, secret, cross); crochet; knitting; embroidery; pattern reading and making; and basic tailoring (hemming, etc.).
Cost: R100 per lesson
RSVP: Email
Please bring your own machine if you have and the item(s) you would like to repair or knitting needles, Crochet hooks, etc. to practise.
Photo by Kiana Bosman on Unsplash
How to Lead a Sunday Service
Saturday, 17 February 10 am - 12 pm
Online only
How do Sunday services come together? Several of you responded to our last survey that you would like to learn how to lead a service. Join Nima this Saturday afternoon to find out the ins and outs. Whether you actually want to lead a service or just want to better understand how things work at CTU, join us! Also, if there is enough interest, we will follow with a workshop series on “Shared Pulpit” specifically about how to write and deliver a reflection.
Chalice Circle - ONLINE ONLY
Meets the third Tuesday of each month
19:00 - 20:30
20 February
Each meeting includes a check-in, time for each person to share about the theme, and a check-out. Theme in January will be “Renewing our Spiritual Practice”. Contact Nima to be added to the group and receive the monthly packet.
Chalice Kids - IN PERSON
We have a robust Chalice Kids education project every month. If you would like your child to participate, email Nima at She will help you choose the right group for your kid(s) and share the homes where we are meeting.
Choir trip to Muizenberg
“This is what binds all people and all creation together~ the gratuity of the gift of being.” Matthew Fox
Just sharing an attitude of gratitude to some of our members for gifting their talents to our community.
We had a sleuth of bears take over our building over the festive period! Soft, plush, charismatic, lovable teddy bears that is, who radiated a bundle of unconditional love and heart warming energy, to our building and its visitors. Thank you Jabulani for your spirit of hospitality and generosity, and for making our Cape Town Unitarian building, their preferred holiday destination 💗🧸🙏🏾
We received a donation of 2nd hand clothing from Grant Byron, which has been diverted to needy recipients at The Hope Exchange shelter. Thank you Grant for your kindness and thoughtfulness for those in need 💗🙏🏾
“Don’t you know yet? It’s your light that lights the world.” ~ Rumi 🕯️🙏🏾 Thank you Camille and Altaira for the tea light candles with which you bolstered our supplies and which enable us to keep our chalice light shining 💗🙏🏾Thank you, you two illuminating lovelies!
Thank you to our community members who help to boost our tea, coffee and sugar reserves for Sunday services. A special shout out, thank you Brady for the six pack of milk when our reserves were depleted~ you are udderly a’moo’sing! 💗🙏🏾
The Cocaine Anonymous (CA) therapy group meets every Monday night in our building from 7-8pm. At a recent meet-up, there were +25 attendees present! Thank you to our entire CTU community for your gift of radical hospitality 💜 extending our spiritual home to be a refuge and a wellspring of hope to those seeking guidance and solidarity, in overcoming their addictive challenges 💗🙏🏾
Recap of 21 January Council meeting
We had been having a difficult time with Standard Bank. It was approved to set up a second bank account with FNB, to compare.
Theo and Paula grants are doing well. We are still having trouble getting all the grant money to Gerard.
We have achieved our objective of making the building a more open, alive and welcoming space. Thanks to everyone who has made this happen.
We need to be more careful in terms of security. A cellphone was stolen on Sunday, 21 January.
Nolu is grateful for all the support she received since she lost her home in a fire last November. They are currently still rebuilding and we will keep you updated.
Council to have a budget meeting on Sunday, 5 February to discuss the 2024 budget
Volunteer Opportunities - Please Share Your Time and Talents with CTU!
Our (Growing!) Communications Committee is always looking for people who can write, edit, photograph and create graphics. Contact Altaira or Camille on WhatsApp at +1 831 345 6128.
Join the Social Justice committee by contacting Cele on 082 433 8815.
Help with events by contacting Hans on 072 127 6497.
Have questions or comments for Council? Please email us at