Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
Our theme for December is Joy! It is my joy to announce that our new administrator is Nolubabalo Bulana. Nolu has extensive accounting, admin and NGO work, and is excited to work with the CTU community! She begins 1 December. More information will follow.
This month, with hopes for no lockdown, we will gather on Saturday, 11 December at 1 pm to decorate our beloved building, and on 12 December at 6 pm for our festive service. Alexios will bring the organ back to life for the first time in over a year!
There will be two donation projects in December. The first is to collect toys and books (both English and Xhosa) for the Siqalo informal settlement creche. The second is to buy and compile care bags for the indigent at Tyberberg Hospital. See details below how to participate.
Lastly, our new pledge campaign is underway! We ask that you consider either increasing your current pledge or making a new pledge to our beloved community. Make your donation even bigger by doing so before 15 December! Any monies collected will be MATCHED 100% up to $2,500 USD. Thank you in advance for your generosity! Donation information is at the bottom of this page.
With love,
Nima // WhatsApp number: 0760249120
5 December - Liberalism, a Fragile Flame: Gordon Oliver will share his views on the original meaning of "religious liberals" and how we might as Unitarians see ourselves within this meaning.
12 December - Festive Service at 6 pm (hybrid): Join us for some caroling and words from the various religions about this time of promoting peace on earth and goodwill to all beings. Alexios will be playing the organ! RSVP to if you want to come in person.
19 December - How Gratitude Can Bring Joy: Nima will explore the scientific research that point to specific gratitude practices that can bring greater joy to our own lives, the lives of our family and friends and even to the world. How can we join together to make this big difference?
26 December - Santa Soaked Storytelling: A reading of the story of Santa's climate awareness, then we'll share stories of how we've come to know about climate, and how we're engaged with it. All are welcome!
Care bags for hospice patients and their carers
Melanie has identified a need for basic care items for patients at Tygerberg Hospice and Intermediate Care Facility. There are many patients who are recovering from their hospital stay but are not well enough to go home and care for themselves or whose carers are in need of a respite. We would like to compile and donate 20 care bags in December. We have created a list that totals less than R 200 per bag below.
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash
There are many ways to participate:
A) you can be a compiler on 11 December;
B) you can donate money for the care bags by emailing;
C) you can buy all the items for one or more bags yourself;
D) you can buy 20 of one of the items below and note your purchase on this spreadsheet. The listed examples and purchase prices are based on our own research; you’re not required to buy these brands or buy from these stores:
Toothbrush = R13
Toothpaste = R12
Face cloth = R17.20
Face soap and holder = Dove soap R10.12 (makro)/R16.99 (Crazy store)
Roll-on deodorant Shower to shower R15.95
Lip balm = R19.25 Labello @Makro
Something sweet or nibbly to eat = Montagu dried fruit mixed drops 50g @ R6.95 or Mini Marie Biscuits @R7.00 both at Makro
Socks = R20 from Mr Price (5 pairs @ R99.99
Lotion = Dawn body lotion legacy for men 400ml @ R20.95
If you choose to participate via options C or D, please do so and note your purchases in this spreadsheet by Wednesday, 8 December. We will bring everything that's been purchased to 64 Hout Street and finish the compiling on Saturday, 11 December, at 12 Noon - 1:00 pm. Text Melanie at +27-81-790-8030 if you have any questions.
Photo by Jerry Wang on Unsplash
December collections of toys and books for the creche in the Siqalo informal settlement
Please collect toys and/or books in Xhosa or English and bring them to the church decorating party (see below) at 1 pm on Saturday, 11 December. Rev. Theo Mayekiso will be taking them to the creche before Christmas this year.
Decorate our building for the festive season! Details to the left.
Decorate Our Beloved Building!
Saturday, 11 Dec., 1:00-2:30 pm
We are asking anyone available to join in on a day of fun decorating our building for the following day festive service. If you have an ornament for the tree, or some extra festive decorations for us to include, let Nima know! Email with any questions.
Farewell Party for Martha and Luca
Saturday, 11 Dec., 3:00 pm
We’re sad to see long-time members Martha and Luca move to Canada but also excited for their new adventure. Please bring food and drink to share at this pool party celebration at Leigh’s house. To RSVP and receive location information, email
Cacao Ceremony Hosted by George: Sunday, 12 Dec., 2:00 - 5:30 pm
Who’s a Unicorn?
You may have read about unicorns in our recent newsletters and thought, “Why are they saying that? Am I a unicorn?”
Yes, if you want to be! Cape Town Unitarians are rare beasts trying to create more love and justice in the world — kind of like unicorns.
The term is meant in fun, born out of the lay leaders programme, where Hans nicknamed himself and others “unicorns.” We decided that we are Unitarian Unicorns! The term has stuck.
Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash
Our fellow unicorn George aka Kuchina Madeleine Michael Mohau will host her first Cacao Ceremony for our Unitarian community. IxCacao (pronounced ish kak-ow) is the Mayan Goddess of chocolate. Enjoying a strong brew of ceremonial cacao induces a state of deep relaxation and boosts all the feel-good hormones. During this ceremony, we will engage IxCacao in holy communion to help us grow peace in our hearts that will overflow into our communities. The ceremony will consist of storytelling, meditation and personal sharing. Light refreshments will be served. The cost is R 250 if you can afford it or R 150 as a concession; 20% of all proceeds will be donated to Rape Crisis. Five unicorns may attend for free if they cost is too much. Please email to learn more, to arrange payment and/or to RSVP.
Chalice Circle, Mowbray: Saturday, 18 Dec., 3:00 - 5:00 pm
This month’s Chalice Circle theme is “Opening to Joy.” Please email for materials and location information.
30-minute Meditation: Every Thursday, 1:00 pm
Join us any Thursday for a 30-minute online meditation led by Nima. It’s a great opportunity to give yourself the gift of self-care! Meditation made easy!
Thank you and good luck, Blanche!
Our church administrator, Blanche Michael, left us in mid-November and returned to the corporate work world. We are sorry to see her go yet so grateful for all her hard work over the past several months. Among many other things, she helped us select and implement a new accounting system and helped with the major maintenance done to our building in 2020, always with good humour and grace. We wish Blanche all the best luck in her new job and hope to see her at future CTU events!
Clay Cafe Outing
Thanks to everyone who showed up at the Clay Cafe to create their home chalice! Kudos to Hans for organising such a fun event.
The braai at Nima’s flat
Thanks to everyone who attended the braai. Hans was amazing on the braai, George made a fabulous salad and no one went home hungry. Even the kids had fun playing Jenga and watching a movie. We look forward to doing it again in the new year!
2021 Chalice Kids classes
We have a robust Chalice Kids education project every month. This month will be exploring the theme of Joy with some song and dance with drumming! If you would like for your child to participate, contact Nima at
Young Adults Chalice Circle
We have a group of young adults who gather for various fun activities and deep discussions. Contact Johan Groenewald at +27-82-897-5000 for more information.
Council resolved that in-person Sunday services will be held the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month starting in January 2022.
The Strategic Communications Team has been elevated to an official Committee, which requires the Committee head (Laura) to report to the Council at each Council meeting. The Team is working on a branding survey, to be sent to community members and other stakeholders in early 2022, to find out what they think about CTU’s brand (logo, colors, font, etc.). This will lay the groundwork for a potential CTU brand refresh in 2022.
The Elders Project documentary, which focuses on CTU’s history via video interviews with CTU’s long-time members, is moving forward under the leadership of Johan. The first interview will likely take place in January.
CTU has secured grants totaling R 555,000 from two grant programs. The money will be spent over the next two years and go toward paying for our minister and our administrator as well as our Lay Leader programme, The Elders project, our Chalice Kids classes and the Siqalo project.
CTU’s financial deficit is R 130,000, meaning we will meet our goal of keeping this year’s deficit under R 200,000 (we make up the difference by drawing down on our investment accounts, something we aim to keep at a minimum). The forecasted deficit for 2022 is R 184,000.
CTU aims to build stronger and mutually beneficial relationships with Cape Flats communities including Bonteheuwel, where we already have an annual event organised with the Bonteheuwel Walking Ladies and the Peace Garden, as well as Siqalo, an informal settlement near Philippi.
Nima is working with the Unitarian programme in Botswana to have them registered with the government there.
Nima, in her capacity as vice chair of the Cape Town Interfaith Initiative (CTII), is participating in a broader interfaith group that is writing a letter to the new Cape Town mayor to see how he can accommodate a more inclusive leader’s forum.
Nima praised Shelley for her work with the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists (ICUU), which is now being dissolved. Roux will participate in a new team to explore how to combine the ICUU and the Unitarian Universalist Assocaition (UUA) partner church organizations.
Have questions or comments for Council? Please email us at