Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
Our theme for November is “Holding History”, so it seems appropriate that we take this month to reflect on how we hold history for ourselves and for others.
Our Social Activities Lay Leader, Hans Moolman, has developed some lekker events for us to share. See below all the delightful details!
We’ll be back in the building on 14 November, along with via Zoom, and Imam Sheik Salieg Isaacs will share some ideas about Islam. RSVP to Blanche at to reserve an in-person spot.
I’m having an open house at my place on 28th November. See below for the details!
With love,
Nima // WhatsApp number: 0760249120
7 November - Beloved Community: Join Nima and Lavona as they explore together how we can build a beloved community and de-colonize our mind. Lavona has an extensive background in this work, and we are so grateful to have her leadership in finding a new way forward!
14 November - History of Islam with Imam Sheik Salieg Isaacs: Join us to listen to Imam Salieg as he speaks of his interfaith work for many years in Cape Town. He and other interfaith leaders have been praying together at hospitals to bring healing and hope for COVID patients and the critical health workers.
21 November - History of CTU: Join with Nima as we take a walk down memory lane with the many photos and remembrances of our beloved community. If you have a favourite photo you want to share, let Nima know.
28 November - The many traditions in Buddhism: Buddhism, like other major religions of the world, has grown through many different transformations and (r)evolutions over the last 2,500 years. Join us to learn about these major transitions and which traditions might fit with your spiritual practice.
Image courtsey of Freepik
Saturday, 6 November, 15:00 - 17:00 – Chalice Circle, Mowbray: This month’s topic is “Cultivating Relationships”. Email for more information and materials.
Saturday, 06 November: Let’s join Hans for a visit to the Clay Café! (Hout Bay or Bree Street, Cape Town Central). Create your own home chalice using clay and paints provided by the Clay Café, while enjoying one of the many delectable meals on the Clay Café’s menu. Clay and paints estimated at R150.00 (transport and meals not included in cost). If you are keen on attending, please WhatsApp Hans Moolman on 072 127 6497.
Every Thursday, 13:00, 30-minute meditation: Join us any Thursday for a 30-minute online meditation led by Nima. It’s a great opportunity to give yourself the gift of self-care! Meditation made easy!
Sunday, 28 November, 12 pm - 5 pm, Braai at Nima’s and Erica’s home: Nima and Erica are inviting you all for an open house at this time for a “BBQ v. BRAAI” celebration. For details, RSVP to or +27760249120.
Any Friday, 15:00 - 17:30 - Calling all Unitarian Unicorns! Join us and the Obs Can Feed You volunteers every Friday in compassionately providing a warm meal to our homeless street neighbours. Feel free to fall in any time, as your schedule allows. We prepare the meal at the Armchair Theatre/Pub at 135 Lower Main Road, Observatory. All Covid protocols will be adhered to. WhatsApp Hans at 072 127 6497 for other details. Thank you for being the change we want to see in the world. 🙏🏽
2021 Youth Religious Education
We have a robust Chalice Kids education project every month. This month will be exploring the theme of Perseverance. If you would like for your child to participate, contact Nima at
Young Adults Chalice Circle: We have a group of young adults who gather for various fun activities and deep discussions. Contact Johan Groenewald at +27 82 897 5000 if you would like more information.
Donate to Cape Town Unitarians
Even though we are not holding in-person services yet, our running costs are the same. We would be grateful if you can EFT a little extra this month to compensate for the in-person collections that we can’t take. Here is our bank information:
Unitarian Church
Standard Bank, Branch 051001, A/C # 070440719
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
Profile: Roland Rink
Roland Rink shares his spiritual journey with Cape Town Unitarians
(See below.)
My Spiritual Journey
What was your religious experience/education (or none) growing up?
From an early age I was exposed to a wide variety of Christian teaching and doctrine. Christened in the Anglican church, attended a Presbyterian Sunday school, confirmed in the Anglican church, being part of the Love & Peace Woodstock generation and lastly, being married in a Methodist church.
How/when did you first discover Unitarianism?
My first exposure to Unitarianism was via an invitation to visit the 1st UU Church in Nashville, Tn in 2006 during one of my frequent visits. The music was absolutely glorious, the message was thought provoking, the people welcoming, warm & friendly, and the overall sense of feeling “at home” really appealed to me.
Do you have a personal spiritual journey? If so, how would you describe it?
I am of the opinion that one learns by asking questions. My personal spiritual journey has always entailed asking questions, many of which were and still are, only partly answered. Journaling has played an important role in recording the journey. If I were to encapsulate it in a few words I’d probably say a lifelong journey of questions “seeking truth, peace and love”.
What do you look for in a spiritual community?
Honesty, accountability, responsibility, commitment, living by example, care for “the other”, gratitude, an open mind, community, a deliberate attempt to divorce politics from religion, and a commitment to live out the tenets of love and peace.
Why did you choose to participate in the Cape Town Unitarian community?
Well, as there is no Unitarian community in Johannesburg, Nima suggested that the Cape Town community would be the best place to begin the journey albeit digitally. The very real sense of “coming home” pervaded my first online meetings!
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From 1 July 2021, the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) came into full effect. The law is designed to protect how your data is used, stored, and processed. Our level of communication with you is solely to ensure that you receive content that meets your needs, with your approval, that is.
Compliance with the POPI Act requires us to ensure every person we communicate with is happy to continue receiving our correspondence via email or any other communication platform.
If you would like to remain on our mailing list, no further action is required. Your personal information is treated as confidential and you can opt out of our mailing list any time.
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