Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
Our theme for September is “opening to possibilities,” something highly important for these trying times. I’m grateful being part of this community that helps me stay open to possibilities!
With the grants from the UUA and Hibbert Trust, we have begun our second Lay Leaders 12-month course, with 18 students from five countries plus the UK and South Africa! Our first class in August was translated in real time, and although we had some connectivity issues, there was a sense of something magnificent getting underway! Click here for a one-minute video of the outstanding Unitarian leader in Botswana, Paula Otukile.
We will have THREE hybrid (in person plus Zoom) events in September. (See details below.)
As always, don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to chat. I’m deeply grateful for this opportunity to serve as your minister.
Nima // WhatsApp number: 0760249120
5 September - Buddhist practices for new possibilities: Join us this Sunday to explore a Buddhist practice called Natural Awareness. This practice is actually called non-meditation, because it takes advantage of our natural innate way of being, beyond our usual conditioned way of seeing the world.
12 September - New Members Sunday: What does it mean to be a member of the Cape Town Unitarians? Join us for diving deeper into the meaning and purpose of spiritual community. Let Nima know if you would like the New Member materials.
19 September - What is the purpose of religion? In honour of Jacob Rumble, Melanie and others will lead the last service Jacob prepared before he got ill. We’ll explore the teachings of J. Krishnamurti and his book, “Beyond Violence”. This gathering will be hybrid!
26 September - Flower Communion at Bonteheuwel: Celeste will lead this beautiful springtime ceremony along with Soraya Salie and her Walking Ladies and their Peace Garden! Let Nima know if you want to share a ride with someone there and back.
Image courtsey of Freepik
Thursdays, 13:00 - 13:30 pm - Mid-Week Meditation: Join any Thursday for a short guided meditation then time to just sit, just breathe and just be. After the meditation, we are making time to share with each other whatever might be on our mind or our heart. Email for the Zoom link.
4 September, 15:00 - 17:00 pm – Chalice Circle Mowbray: This month’s topic is Intention. Email for more information and materials.
Any Friday, 15:00 - 17:30 pm - Calling all Unitarian Unicorns! Join us and the Obs Can Feed You volunteers every Friday in compassionately providing a warm meal to our homeless street neighbours. Feel free to fall in any time, as your schedule allows. We prepare the meal at the Armchair Theatre/Pub at 135 Lower Main Road, Observatory. All Covid protocols will be adhered to. WhatsApp Hans at 072 127 6497 for other details. Thank you for being the change we want to see in the world. 🙏🏽
Image courtsey of Green Renaissance
11 September, Saturday, 12- 2 pm, Spirituality as a work of heART (hybrid event): Join us as we continue to explore giving expression to our unfolding spiritual journey. This session will focus on a creative arts and crafts activity. Each participant is invited to create and customize a gratitude jar/or box that resonates with them. The intention is to create a visual touchpoint during the frenetic busy pace of life, to cultivate a mindfulness practice of living in the moment; to nurture an attitude of gratitude; to attract abundance; and to celebrate and honour the divine spark within you.
Click here for a sneak peek of the magical potential that awaits, within each of us, and along our journey. While some supplementary art materials will be provided, we will be communicating ideas and potential places to source your own materials that might speak to your unique identity and journey. We look forward to being creative in community, and celebrating that ‘loving, shining light within’, together. Contact Hans via WhatsApp number @ +27 072 127 6497 for more information and the Zoom link, or to let him know you want to come in person.
11 September, Saturday 3-7 pm, Cacao Ceremony. (Hybrid event). Our fellow unicorn Georgia, acting as Kuchina Madeleine Michael Mohau will be hosting a series of 7 workshops over the next 3 months. FEEL FREE TO ATTEND ALL SEVEN OR JUST ONE!
In each workshop, we will be working through a chapter of Joyce Rupp's book Your Sorrow is My Sorrow. This book considers how the 7 Sorrows of Mary relate to our own lives and how we can draw strength from connecting to the Holy Mother - whatever face she may have for us, be it Mary, IxCacao, Shakti, Kali, Ma'at, Brigid, Hekate or even our own mother.
The workshops are guided by the cacao ceremony, where Madeleine will be serving a delicious, strong, dark chocolatey potion. As we enjoy IxCacao's heart-opening medicine, we will connect to the Holy Mother through storytelling, meditation, prayer and asking difficult questions. A light meal will be served afterwards. Ceremony will be held in person, as well as over Zoom.
Cost: R150 - R250 (in person) or R100 over Zoom.
Place: Cape Town Unitarians, 64 Hout Street, Cape Town. Tel: 083 775 9090.
The dates for the September workshops are:
11 September: 3pm - 7pm: Workshop 1: The Prophecy of Simeon
25 September: 10am - 2pm: Workshop 2: Fleeing into Egypt
Contact Georgia for more information or to register 083 775 9090.
12 September, 12-2pm - Council Meeting: We will be holding our next Council meeting on Zoom. All are welcome. Contact Blanche Michael for Zoom details on
What was your experience of religion or education growing up?
I grew up in an African family where people believe in nature. I was so grateful to learn a few principles of nature in African teachings. These teachings are based on how to grow your personal spirituality with special prayers, in which you do not wear shoes (your feet need to grounded on the sand to get energy from nature).
The greatest moments for me were when we would usually go to the forest, with lots of trees and quiet places where you only heard the sound of birds and the rest of nature. This was an amazing experience, to perform that type of meditation with your eyes closed. And mostly I was around elders who had the spiritual ability to see things beyond.
How/when did you first discover Unitarianism?
I actually found out about the Unitarian church in 2019 from my cousin Gure . My first question was what was the church’s name, because according to my beliefs the name of the church needs to have an impact in the world of spirituality. When I heard the name was ‘Unitarian’ I personally saw the spiritual aspect of this community with the words ‘Unity’ and ‘United’ (no matter what you believe, there must be unity). From there, I realised that the inspiration of the name of the Unitarian church was from wiser people who were focused on spirituality. Personally, I felt connected since the first time I attended the Sundays services.
Why did you choose to participate in Cape Town Unitarian’s spiritual community?
Participating in the Unitarian spiritual community is an incredible way of connecting in a spiritual way. One plus is that there's love around us and also support from each other.
2021 Youth Religious Education
We have a robust Chalice Kids education project every month. This month will be exploring the theme of Perseverance. If you would like for your child to participate, contact Nima at
Young Adults Chalice Circle: We have a group of young adults who gather for various fun activities and deep discussions. Contact Johan Groenewald at 082 897 5000 if you would like more information.
Donate to Cape Town Unitarians
Even though we are not holding in-person services yet, our running costs are the same. We would be grateful if you can EFT a little extra this month to compensate for the in-person collections that we can’t take. Here is our bank information:
Unitarian Church
Standard Bank, Branch 051001, A/C # 070440719
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA)
From 1 July 2021, the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) came into full effect. The law is designed to protect how your data is used, stored, and processed. Our level of communication with you is solely to ensure that you receive content that meets your needs, with your approval, that is.
Compliance with the POPI Act requires us to ensure every person we communicate with is happy to continue receiving our correspondence via email or any other communication platform.
If you would like to remain on our mailing list, no further action is required. Your personal information is treated as confidential and you can opt out of our mailing list any time.
In the event you no longer see the value in receiving future correspondence from us, kindly let us know.