Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
First, I want to convey my deep gratitude to each of you, for your commitment to this community! Sharing your time, talents and treasures help our beloved community thrive. Thank you for co-creating more love in this world.
Our theme for October is Cultivating Relationships, and above we see the beautiful Bonteheuwel Walking Ladies Group being served by Charlene, Laura and Johan. Food, music, sharing, conversations—these are the many ways of deepening relationships that can create more happiness. How do you nurture your relationships?
We have some exciting services planned for October, including another hybrid service on the 17th of October. (See below for all the details.)
Whatever might be happening in your life, you have a home here with the Cape Town Unitarians.
With love,
Nima // WhatsApp number: 0760249120
3 October - This Little Light of Mine: Join Mphala Mogudi as she explores how we can introduce Unitarian principles to young children using stories. Parents, this will be extra special! And all others, this will be an excellent opportunity to infuse the power of the oral tradition in our lives.
10 October - Easier Ways to Meditate: Join Nima as she shares many different ways to meditate! Beyond concentration practice, there are different styles and components, like natural awareness and positive imagery. Even the Buddha said lying down, walking and standing are also proper ways to meditate! Join us to learn about and practice these styles that might improve the likelihood that we can more easily incorporate mindfulness and meditation in our daily lives.
17 October - Join Celeste and others as we have an in-person service devoted to Faiths 4 Climate Justice with the GreenFaith International Network.
24 October -Building Strong Relationships: How can we best nurture our relationships, with our community, with our friends and family, and with ourselves. Feel free to bring any practices you have used to ensure your relationships are thriving. Included will be an important update from the third workshop.
31 October - What is the Bahá’í faith? Tahirih Matthee will share the tenets of the Bahá’í faith with us, including various rituals and practices that they find helpful to support their spiritual lives. Baháʼísm is a relatively new religion, teaching the essential worth of all religions and the unity of all people. Established by Baháʼu'lláh in the 19th century, it initially developed in Iran and parts of the Middle East, where it has faced ongoing persecution since its inception. The religion is estimated to have over five million adherents, known as Baháʼís, spread throughout most of the world's countries and territories. How do we build unity and community?
Image courtsey of Freepik
Saturday, 2 October, 15:00 - 17:00 – Chalice Circle, Mowbray: This month’s topic is Open to Possibility. Email for more information and materials.
Sunday, 10 October, 12:30 - 14:30 – Workshop exploring Identity Values and Principles: The third workshop will focus on the culmination of previously gathered information, with the view to creating a uniquely CTU statement.
Every Thursday, 13:00, 30-minute meditation: Join us any Thursday for a 30-minute online meditation led by Nima. It’s a great opportunity to give yourself the gift of self-care! Meditation made easy!
Any Friday, 15:00 - 17:30 - Calling all Unitarian Unicorns! Join us and the Obs Can Feed You volunteers every Friday in compassionately providing a warm meal to our homeless street neighbours. Feel free to fall in any time, as your schedule allows. We prepare the meal at the Armchair Theatre/Pub at 135 Lower Main Road, Observatory. All Covid protocols will be adhered to. WhatsApp Hans at 072 127 6497 for other details. Thank you for being the change we want to see in the world. 🙏🏽
Sunday, 17 October, 1-3 pm , Clay Cafe Ceramic Painting: For our social activity this month, Hans has found an adorable café in Hout Bay where we will get an opportunity to paint a ceramic object and have it kiln dried! Cost is R 40 plus any food. (Bursaries are available. If you’d like to donate so another can attend, let Hans know.) WhatsApp Hans at +27 72 127 6497 for other details. Some of us will take the MyCitibus. If you’d like to carpool with us, let Nima know at +27 760249120.
2021 Youth Religious Education
We have a robust Chalice Kids education project every month. This month will be exploring the theme of Perseverance. If you would like for your child to participate, contact Nima at
Young Adults Chalice Circle: We have a group of young adults who gather for various fun activities and deep discussions. Contact Johan Groenewald at +27 82 897 5000 if you would like more information.
Donate to Cape Town Unitarians
Even though we are not holding in-person services yet, our running costs are the same. We would be grateful if you can EFT a little extra this month to compensate for the in-person collections that we can’t take. Here is our bank information:
Unitarian Church
Standard Bank, Branch 051001, A/C # 070440719
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA)
From 1 July 2021, the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) came into full effect. The law is designed to protect how your data is used, stored, and processed. Our level of communication with you is solely to ensure that you receive content that meets your needs, with your approval, that is.
Compliance with the POPI Act requires us to ensure every person we communicate with is happy to continue receiving our correspondence via email or any other communication platform.
If you would like to remain on our mailing list, no further action is required. Your personal information is treated as confidential and you can opt out of our mailing list any time.
In the event you no longer see the value in receiving future correspondence from us, kindly let us know.