Photo courtesy of Tom Podmore on Unsplash
Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
Where do we want to go, Individually and as a community?
We have come through an incredibly difficult two years, and now we have a precious opportunity to reflect, renew and reenergize our individual spiritual practice AND our community practice.
This month we will come together in many different ways, and I look forward to hearing from each of you how the Cape Town Unitarians can best support you on your spiritual path!
See below for the meaningful and fun ways to reconnect to yourself and our beloved community.
With love,
Nima // WhatsApp number: 0760249120
27 February - Yoga and Hinduism inspired spiritualtiy with Hans and Nima: Journey with Hans and Nima, exploring where the worlds of yoga and Hindu-inspired spirituality meet. Along our various ‘chakra’ touch points, we hope to shed some light on yoga as a gateway towards self-realization, aspects of Lord Krishna and the Divine Mother in Hinduism, reflections on the masterful poem, ‘The Bhagavad Gita’, and spiritual teachers and yogis who have revealed an illumined path towards enlightenment. Please join us for a blissful sharing
6 March - What spiritual practice supports you in times of struggle?: We’ll hear from several community members about what spiritual practice enables them to get through those challenging times in our lives. Let Nima know if you would like to share something from your life.
13 March - Learning different ways to meditate: Join Nima for an exploration of different ways to meditate. There are many options that are easy in integrate into everyday life.
20 March - Autumn Equinox: Cele and others will create a beautiful pagan ritual to celebrate the coming of the autumn equinox.
27 March- Human Rights and Spirituality: How do our spiritual practices support social justice? Let’s have a lively discussion about how we can integrate our spiritual life and our passion for social justice.
In-Person Chalice Circle – Saturday, 5 March, 10 am - 12 pm
Natalie will again lead an in-person Chalice Circle on the first Saturday of each month. March’s meeting will be at Natalie’s home. Contact her at for more details.
Online/Hout Street Chalice Circle – Saturday, 19 March, 3:30 - 5 pm
Nima is leading a Chalice Circle that will be a hybrid event. Contact her at for more details.
Wellness Workshop – Saturday, 26 March, 1-5 pm. 64 Hout Street and online. Hans is facilitating our first Wellness Workshop. Fear, worry, anxiety, irritation, anger, inadequacy ... these are just a few of the feelings one might experience in a frenetic, often hostile and impersonal world. We invite you to our sanctuary of wellness, a safe space to reset and restore to wholeness. We’ll be offering mindfulness tools and practices that are accessible and practical, but most importantly, that work for you. Fee is R50. RSVP to Hans at +27 72 127 6497. Please Rsvp 5 days before.
Chalice Kids
We have a robust Chalice Kids education project every month. This month will be exploring the theme of Joy with some song and dance with drumming! If you would like for your child to participate, contact Nima, who will help you choose the right group for your kid(s). Email Nima at
Young Adults Chalice Circle
We have a group of young adults who gather for various fun activities and deep discussions. Contact Johan Groenewald at +27-82-897-5000 for more information.
Council Meeting – Sunday, 20 March, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Contact if you would like to attend. All are welcome.
Happy 80th Birthday to Dave Mayes!
Melanie, Nolu and Nima shared a birthday lunch with Dave and Jeanie Mayes. What a joy to experience the love between these two amazing community members!
Cape Flats Gardens Project
Thanks to our Hibbert Trust grant, Roux Malan was able to purchase and install an irrigation system for the Siqalo Community Garden. There are additional plans to work with other gardens in that area.
Sleepover Success!
A good time was had by all on our first sleepover in February. Hans and the gang made corn dogs, coloured mandalas, played games and watched movies, and most importantly shared chats with each other about our lives. Thanks to everyone who participated!
Seeking Your True Stories for CTU’s Blog
Do you have an interesting story to tell about a CTU experience? Maybe you met someone who helped you see a situation in a new light? Perhaps a recent Sunday service made you reflect on one of our seven principles? Or maybe the recent sleepover left you feeling thankful for the fun side of CTU? Whatever it is, we’d love it if you would consider writing your story for CTU’s blog. Even if you don’t think you’re a writer but you have a story you want to share, don’t worry—we can help! Email Laura at for more information. Please use the subject line “CTU blog.”
Looking For CTU Social Media Volunteers
If you’re social media savvy or if you WANT to be social media savvy, then we have just the volunteer opportunity for you: CTU is looking for one or two people to support Nolu with running our Instagram and Facebook accounts. The time commitment is minimal. And if you’re feeling shaky about social media skills, we can help you. For more information, please email Nolu at