Photo courtesy of Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash
Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
Autumn is upon us! The April theme is “Awakening”, and we’ll be exploring how we awaken to our inner truth and the outer experience of belonging in our beloved community. As part of this journey, we will be having New Members Sunday on 3 April. Being a member means you commit to participating how and when you can in CTU and supporting others to do the same. It also enables you to vote in our upcoming AGM on 29 May. Let me know if you would like more information.
As a result of the fantastic workshops we had on Identity last year, Melanie and Shelley have drafted an Identity Statement for us, based on the workshops we had last year. Please take five minutes to take a look by clicking here, and give us your comments before 16 April. Then, we will be taking the edited statement to the AGM scheduled for 29th May at 11:30 am. A big thanks to you all for contributing to this important document.
We are also planning an Iftar at the church at 6 pm, Sunday, 17 April, as part of our “inward looking, outward sharing” reflection this month. Let Nima know if you’d like to attend in person or online, or also volunteer for cooking some special dishes. More information is below.
As always, let me know how I can support you on your spiritual journey.
With love,
Nima // WhatsApp number: 0760249120
27 March - Spirituality and Human Rights: How does our Spirituality inform our actions? In light of our recent Human Rights Day, let’s take time to reflect together about how we integrate habits into our everyday lives that create more love and justice in the world. Along with the reflection will be plenty of inspiring music to lift our spirits!
3 April - New Member Sunday (hybrid event): Let’s join together to celebrate our new members! We have a beautiful, yet relaxed, ritual to welcome our new members to CTU. Bring your open heart and welcoming arms to create a deeper sense of belonging to our newest members.
10 April - How to awaken as the Buddha did?: There is the story of the Buddha sitting under a tree, and becoming “awakened”. The Buddha even means The Awakened One. But what does that really mean? How does that feel? How can you be awakened as well? Let’s explore the process of awakening from a Buddhist perspective. There will also be some meditation and short chanting.
17 April - A Unitarian Iftar (hybrid event) 6 pm: NOTE THE LATER START TIME. We will have a hybrid service including a reflection on the Muslim ritual of Ramadan and specifically Iftar, the breaking of the fast. Cele, Melanie and Shelley are sharing receipts that we can each cook in advance and bring to share at this very special event. If you’d like to try them out, click here, and let us know if you would be willing to bring a dish or something else to share to the gathering. To sign up to be in person, click here. We’re hoping to have an “each one bring one” in case there is a friend or family member who might enjoy this gathering! And to learn more about the meaning of Ramadan, click here.
24 April The music of awakening!: What song makes your heart sing? What song/music lifts you up when you’re down? We’ll play several contributions, then reflect upon what are the key components and experiences that we each have, using music as a form of inspiration and awakening.
In-Person Chalice Circle – Saturday, 2 April, 2:30 - 4:30 pm
Natalie will again lead an in-person Chalice Circle on the first Saturday of each month. March’s meeting will be at Natalie’s home. Contact her at for more details.
Online/Hout Street Chalice Circle – Saturday, 9 March, 3:30 - 5 pm
Nima is leading a Chalice Circle that is always a hybrid event. Contact her at for more details.
Wellness Workshop – Saturday, 26 March, 1-5 pm. Join us for a day of wellness and mindfulness practice, practical means available in your day to transmute stress, anxiety and negative thinking.
> “You’ll always be my best~tea”: Zen and the art of making tea (please bring your favourite mug )
> “Wool you be mine?” Knitting, needlepoint, crochet please bring and share your favourite techniques
> Don’t be a muggles ️, there’s always magic in story time … we invite you to read and share from one of your favourite books, or any poetry , and to follow it up with some journaling of your own (*please* bring favourite book, journal & pen owl optional)
> Mandala colouring & face painting (will be provided)
> The Art of (almost) Nap Time … we will do an online guided Yoga Nidra (please bring a yoga mat or comfy blankie to lie on the floor).
We may have additional surprises! You are always welcome in your spiritual home~to connect with your community, and to just be.
Chalice Kids
We have a robust Chalice Kids education project every month. This month will be exploring the theme of Joy with some song and dance with drumming! If you would like for your child to participate, contact Nima, who will help you choose the right group for your kid(s). Email Nima at
Young Adults Chalice Circle
We have a group of young adults who gather for various fun activities and deep discussions. Contact Johan Groenewald at +27-82-897-5000 for more information.
Council Meeting – Sunday, 1 May, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Contact if you would like to attend. All are welcome.
Happy 60th anniversary Fred and Denise Benning!
Click here to see the magnificent celebration of this beautiful couple, with their family at their old Kommetjie home that has been renovated as a place for parties and gatherings. Congratulations for 60 plus years together, Fred and Denise! And click here to see a beautiful powerpoint by Fred about the history of this beautiful seaside home!
Cape Flats Gardens Project
Theo and Roux are hard at work on their Cape Flats Gardening Project. Stay tuned for some exciting news coming soon.
Seeking Your True Stories for CTU’s Blog
Do you have an interesting story to tell about a CTU experience? Maybe you met someone who helped you see a situation in a new light? Perhaps a recent Sunday service made you reflect on one of our seven principles? Or maybe the recent sleepover left you feeling thankful for the fun side of CTU? Whatever it is, we’d love it if you would consider writing your story for CTU’s blog. Even if you don’t think you’re a writer but you have a story you want to share, don’t worry—we can help! Email Laura at for more information. Please use the subject line “CTU blog.”