Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
June’s theme is delight! We’ll explore the different ways we can experience delight as well as have two special speakers. I’ll be on retreat 22-25 June, but Cele will lead that Sunday gathering and speak to the Winter Solstice that is almost upon us.
Note that I will have a special meditation workshop on 10 June from 2:00 - 4:00 pm. If you’ve ever wanted to explore having a meditation practice, but have struggled to get going, this workshop is for you!
Hans is hosting a potluck at 64 Hout Street on 11 June from 5:00 - 8:00 pm. Bring a dish or beverage to share and get to know your community members.
Lastly, we are trying something new in June with our Chalice Circle. We are opening it up to everyone, as an opportunity to get to know others in our community. Come with your insights and ideas to share and learn from others in this online-only gathering. See below for more details.
With love and light,
Nima // WhatsApp 076 024 9120
In This Issue of the Newsletter
Sunday Services
Somerset West Fellowship
Meditation Workshop
Sunday Night Potluck
Online Chalice Kids
AGM Recap
May Council Meeting Update
Recycling for Our Community
Please note: All services are now hybrid
4 June – Traditional Service: How do we cause our own suffering? Nima will explore the synchronicities between Jesus’ teachings and Mahayana Buddhism. Join us as we enjoy Alexios’ magnificent organ music.
11 June – Indigenous Wisdom: Sangoma Aubrey Masthiqi is back to share indigenous ways of knowing.
18 June – The Fundamentals of Faith - The Essence of Islam, with Imam Taj Hargey: Imam Taj is back and will share a concise overview of authentic Islam in contrast to populist Islam. He will dispel common misconceptions and stereotypes of Islam and Muslims.
25 June – Winter Solstice, with Cele Esau: Join us for this special service.
Somerset West Fellowship - IN PERSON
Photo by Patrick Whang
3 June, Saturday, 10:00 am
Vonke House, Chapel Room, 121 Lourensford Rd.
Climate Change in East Flores, Indonesia
Laura Pohl will share photos and stories from her recent trip to document climate change in East Flores, Indonesia. Laura lives in Cape Town and is a member of the Cape Town Unitarians.
Farmers across eastern Indonesia are changing how they live and what they grow in the face of more frequent natural disasters and increasingly erratic rainfall. The challenges are many. But people are doing their best to adapt with the support of each other, the government and NGOs.
COST: Free, as well as free light refreshments.
RSVP: Contact Dave Mayes at 021 850 0863, or
Centering Prayer Meditation Workshop - ONLINE
Saturday, 10 June, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Zoom only
Join us to explore Centering Meditation, a unique type of meditating developed by contemporary Christian mystics. Nima will share key points from the book “The Heart of Centering Prayer” and there will be time for group practice, including chanting and easy movement meditation.There will also be a break in the middle. All are welcome! Free but suggested donation of R40. Just bring yourself. If you have questions, contact Nima at
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 933 5429 9070
Passcode: 053974
Sunday Night Potluck - IN PERSON
Sunday, 11 June, 5:00 pm - 8 pm
64 Hout Street
Hans will host a potluck dinner for anyone wanting to share a meal and get to know others in our community.
BRING: A dish or beverage to share. Also bring paper plates or serviettes if you can.
PARKING: Safe, secure and free parking in the parking garage opposite our building. Say you are going to the church.
RSVP to Hans at +27 72 127 6497.
Online Chalice Circle - ONLINE
Saturday, 17 June, 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Our online Chalice Circle is now open to everyone! We are excited to provide this monthly opportunity to get to know each other better. This month we will ponder the question, “What spiritual path(s) resonate with you and what way(s) do you practise that path?” Email Nima for more information.
Zoom link
Meeting ID: 912 2488 4093
Passcode: 539068
Chalice Kids - IN PERSON
We have a robust Chalice Kids education project every month. If you would like your child to participate, email Nima at She will help you choose the right group for your kid(s) and share the homes where we are meeting.
Thanks for a Successful Annual General Meeting!
Group photo at the 155th Annual General Meeting on 28 May, 2023.
We are grateful so many of you showed up for our AGM—27 of you, in fact! If you were not able to attend, we hope you’ll take time to fill out this survey handed out during the AGM. The survey will help us decide future service topics and community activities and also provides you an opportunity to serve CTU with your talents and time.
Here are some of the important points we discussed at the AGM; a more in-depth summary of the AGM discussions will be available in the coming months:
We welcomed three new Council members: Theo Mayekiso, Trisha Riedy and Ana Van Straten.
We approved Nexia as our financial auditor.
We learned that we invested a portion of our endowment offshore to defend against the weak rand, which helped us maintain our investment balance.
We adopted our strategic priorities for the year:
Supporting rollout of our Principle Statement
Completing the Oral History Project
Prioritising communications and continuity
Providing Unitarian support to underdeveloped areas, including Botswana, Burundi and Kenya
Creating more in-person and online-only social activities
Looking for renters for our building
Council Update From the May Meeting
We will use our Principle Statement as the monthly theme for July and August’s Sunday services and Chalice Circle gatherings.
Hans’s contract to stay in the building has been extended for another 6 months.
We continue to explore the interfaith school with Pippa Jones.
Recycle to Help Raise Funds for CTU
Bring us your talents, your treasures, your time — and now even your (recyclable) trash! Join our community initiative to recycle items at Imagined Earth reverse vending machines in exchange for cash, airtime and vouchers via the Imagined Earth app. Read more on our blog to find out how you can get involved.
Have questions or comments for Council? Please email us at