Photo by John O'Nolan on Unsplash
Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
In December our theme will be Thresholds and Transitions. We each have had times in our lives when something was ending, or something was beginning, or we find ourselves in between. How might our spiritual practice ground us as we prepare for or cross a Threshold? We’ll explore this topic including the book by Barbara Cecil, “Coming into Your Own.”.
And don’t miss our Festive Service at 6 pm (NOTE TIME) on Sunday 8 December. We have an organist and lots of fun songs and readings, along with a bring and share afterwards. It’ll be fun and inspiring!
Lastly, thank you all for your condolence for my sister passing away, and support while I was back in America celebrating her life. I’m so deeply grateful for our CTU community.
With love and light,
Nima // WhatsApp 076 024 9120
In This Issue of the Newsletter
Check out our events page to view our church calendar. This includes events posted in the building and outside of the building. If you would like your event added, please contact us at via email:
Sunday Services
Upcoming Activities: Somerset West Fellowship (on break), Mid-week Meditations (on break), Christmas Eve Bring and Share, Community Choir
Community Highlights: Santa’s Shoebox, Thanksgiving Bring and Share
Council Updates
Please note: All Sunday services are hybrid and start at 10:30 am
1 December– Spiritual practices for being with life transitions. Each of us have experienced many transitions: new relationships beginning, old relationships ending, death of a loved one, a new job, birth of a child, and so many others. How can we best be with these life changes? Let’s explore together how our spiritual practice informs us. What’s ending? What’s beginning? What happens in between?
8 December - Festive Service “Spiritual Perspective of Peace”. 6 pm (NOTE THAT THERE WILL NOT BE A SERVICE IN THE MORNING ON THIS SPECIFIC SUNDAY). Join us for our annual singing of festive songs and share a candlelit “Silent Night”. If you are able, bring a beverage or dish to share after the gathering. We have a special organist, Garth Hammer, who will be playing our beautiful organ for us!
15 December - Dwelling in the In-between place. As we continue to reflect on thresholds and transitions, we’ll explore how best to stay in the liminal space between endings and beginnings. What are the spiritual practices that might support us as we get comfortable with “not knowing” what’s next.
22 December: New Beginnings. How do we figure out what we want to do with our life? Let’s explore together how best to become aware of the signs and symbols that suggest what might be beginning.
29 December - Tending to our lives. This last Sunday we will investigate Barbara Cecil’s encouragement to more fully be, no matter what chapter of our life we might be living. All these dwelling places will be helpful as we all embark on the new year.
Somerset West Fellowship - on break for December and January
Midweek Meditation
On break for December and January
Christmas Eve — Bring and Share social event
Tuesday, 24 December, 6-9pm
64 Hout street
“There is no house, like the house of belonging”
~ David Whyte
Take refuge from silly season and all its demands, pressures and shenanigans … and just be in community … as we share a meal and reflect on the birth of a very special person, who’s message was to spread peace and to love your fellow brother and sister.
Please bring a dish or beverage to share, if you are able.
Please RSVP to Hans via WhatsApp +27721276497.
We are looking forward to being together on this auspicious holy night
Chalice Kids - IN PERSON
We have a robust Chalice Kids education project every month. If you would like your child to participate, email Nima at She will help you choose the right group for your kid(s) and share the homes where we are meeting.
Community Highlights
Breaking News:
Cape Town Unitarians, Santa Shoeboxes Gifting a BIG success!!
A heartfelt thank you! to all the CTU elves, who by creative effort and financial support, ensured that 10 kids in need can look forward to receiving some boxed magic coming their way this holiday season
Thank you to each of you for pART!icipating, and making this possible! Teamwork makes the Dream work
Thanksgiving Bring and Share
Thanksgiving Preparations
Anthony Bourdain, an American celebrity chef, author, and travel documentarian wrote:
“Food is everything we are. It’s an extension of nationalist feeling, ethnic feeling, your personal history, your province, your region, your tribe, your grandma. It’s inseparable from those from the get-go.”
“Meals make the society, hold the fabric together in lots of ways that were charming and interesting and intoxicating to me. The perfect meal, or the best meals, occur in a context that frequently has very little to do with the food itself.”
There is a certain alchemy that exists in the ability to share a meal together. It connects us, it allows us to blend and share our gifts freely, it transforms us: and ultimately, forges us in a fire of belonging.
Following a service on gratitude, our Thanksgiving gathering blessed us with an opportunity to experience diverse tastes (and not unlike family members assembled at the dining table)… the opportunity to gather as a community, united in our singular appreciation to share a home-cooked meal together ❤
That is quite special.
We indulged in some culinary showstoppers! There was the mac (me so happy) & cheese that proved we are cheddar togetha! The delicious yams on our tastebuds that cried out, “I yam so grateful to be alive!” We had some pumpkin pie and phillo pastry creations that just made you realize,life is gourd when you’re filling awesome! And can we tawk about THAT turkey?! Be the baste you can be! Thank you for the chance to gobble till we wobbled! 😜 And to round off a spectacularly delicious meal, that lemon meringue pie. OMG, citrusly! Simply the zest!
Thank you to all our contributors for participating, for your creativity, for your generosity, and for your altruistic acts of service, ensuring our Unitarian tribe was fed, sated and could leave with happy smiles on our bellies! A shout out of heartful thanks also to those who helped with prepping the scene, and with post-event clean up ☺🙏🏽
This was the 2nd year of our US meets Africa, hybrid Thanksgiving celebration: we are ever grateful of our supporters for making it such a fun, memorable and interactive event. There is no place like home 💜
Council Updates
Our council met on 3 November 2024 and discussed a lot of amazing accomplishments and considerations across the active CTU calendar. Some notable highlights include a discussion about the 2025 Strategic Plans, various community-building opportunities, and a lively conversation about the budget.
Coming together as a community is truly at the heart of what we do best at CTU. This has been reflected in our various Bring and Share events, our successful Santa Shoebox campaign, our collaborative Sunday services, and beyond. Yet, we still have a bounty of ideas to increase community connections. This includes group road trips to members’ homes or neighbourhoods, rebooting our Chalice Circles while integrating the Principle Statements, designing swag and merchandise sporting our CTU logo and values, and developing an African-Centric Unitarian course.
Finally, the Council was very pleased to report that you, our CTU membership and friends, are helping us sustain our work through your financial giving. The Council recognises that there is still much work to be done to develop strong revenue options. Nonetheless, our members and friends who are donating as pledgers and other donors are deeply appreciated for their active commitment for our community.
These funds make it possible to staff the church with our minister, administrator, and lay leaders. Additionally, this work supports our ability to hold social events, host guest speakers, collaborate with Social Justice teams across Cape Town, and literally keep the lights on.
Thank you all for your continued time, treasures, and talents you bring to this thriving community. We are excited to meet with you soon!
Respectfully submitted by Camille Hatton
Have questions or comments for Council? Please email us at