January 2025 Newsletter


Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –

This year, we will be embarking on a strategic priority to more fully integrate our approved Principle Statement into our community. Each month our theme will be directly related to something we are saying is a value of ours. This month, our theme is “Our CTU Values.”  Click here for a copy of our Principle Statement, which includes the values we agreed to hold sacred.

Don’t miss the information about the new Global Facilitator for Unitarians Worldwide. Esther Wanjiru Mukera is an amazing young woman who will support Unitarian communities and also happens to be from Nairobi, Kenya! Esther and I visited earlier this month, and I am excited for her leadership on how best to establish and support Unitarian groups in Africa and elsewhere with grounded first-hand experience of what it takes to make it work. Welcome, Esther!

Lastly, the vacuum cleaner that Jeanie and Dave donated a few years ago has been working overtime and has decided to stop working. We’ve tried a few fixes but nothing has worked. Might anyone have a spare vacuum cleaner to donate to CTU? Our rug and floors would be very appreciative!

With love and light,
nimajanettaylor@gmail.com // WhatsApp 076 024 9120

In This Issue of the Newsletter 

Check out our events page to view our church calendar. This includes events posted in the building and outside of the building. If you would like your event added, please contact us at via email: community@capetownunitarians.org

  • Sunday Services

  • Upcoming Activities: Somerset West Fellowship (on break), Mid-week Meditations (on break), Community Choir

  • Community Highlights

  • Council Updates


Please note: All Sunday services are hybrid and start at 10:30 am

5 January - Burning Bowl. Join Nima for this annual tradition of reflecting on the past year and exploring what we want to release in order to start fresh with a clear intention in the new year. 

12 January - The 12-Step Program, with the Spotlight on Al-Anon. Karin Smith will share a special reflection on Al-Anon. Al-Anon is a worldwide fellowship that offers a program of recovery for the families and friends of alcoholics. Karin will talk about her own journey through her life, applying the principles she learned in Al-Anon. She will share how she has practised these principles throughout her life’s journey.

19 January - Water Communion. This month, we ask each of you to collect water from a source near you—a pond or ocean or even from the tap, and bring with you on this Sunday as we celebrate the symbol of water joined together just as we are joined together in our beloved community.

26 January - Renewal and Reflection through Music and Stories
“Before a new chapter is begun, the old one has to be finished” - Paolo Coelho Warrior of Light

Each New Year brings us opportunity – to change, to grow, to do something new.  The second Friday of January, “Quitter’s Day”, is often held up as the day folks give up on their New Year’s resolution.  Whether or not this is true for you, let us gather on this fourth Sunday to celebrate renewal and reflect on our daily journey towards all we hope to become.  Join visiting Mezzo-Soprano Janette Lallier for a service of music and spoken work celebrating themes of pilgrimage and new beginnings!  Come and join the journey!

Meet Esther Wanjiru Mukera

Our new Worldwide Unitarian Facilitator

Based on recommendations from the Leadership and Design team, a position was created to support the Global U/U communities. As a result, Esther Mukera has been selected! 

Esther is a member of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kenya and in her professional career she served in high level management roles. She also has a deep awareness of the diversity in resources, context and culture  among Unitarian-Universalists globally. We look forward to welcoming Esther and we will be supporting her as she puts her energy and faith into action!



Somerset West Fellowship

We are on a break for the month of January. Please look out for our upcoming events resuming in February.

Midweek Meditation

We are on a break for the month of January.

CTU Choir

We will resume rehearsals on January 8th. You are welcome to join your voice when you are ready. All are welcome, irrespective of experience level.

This month we will sing special music for our annual water communion service. Additionally, we will begin working on music for a fall Music Sunday service.

Please contact Camille with any questions you may have about the choir.

Community Highlights

Annual Festive Service

Thanks for everyone’s help our our Festive Service in December!

This year we joyfully joined our voices together in the name of peace. We had many participants guide us through readings and stories from many of the world’s major religions. We also welcomed Garth Hammer on the organ. Finally, we were accompanied on Silent Night by our very own Maddie!! Truly a joyous time was had by all.

Christmas Eve Bring and Share

Thank you for attending our Christmas Eve gathering. A special thank you to those who contributed with prepared meals to share, Christmas crackers, snacks and beverages, and to Senait and her team from the Addis Ethiopian restaurant, for her generosity, hospitality and altruism, in gifting us such a delicious culinary feast and authentic Ethiopian cultural tradition. We are so blessed. With great full hearts, thank you

Thank You Senait!

Many very special thanks to Senait from Addis in Cape for your unbelievable contribution to our Bring and Share.

Our Bring and Share was really fun!

Council Updates

Tidings from the Chair

As I sit here, Festive is wrapping up and the New Year is upon us. What a great year it has been! We've celebrated birthdays and engagements, and lives and legacies. Our year got off to a fantastic start with our very successful pledge drive, and in summer we welcomed a prestigious grant from the UUA. 

Our choir is quickly becoming a church tradition with 13 members. 

In fall, Gur Mulanga received a gift from Gordon Oliver of historic minister's robes, carrying forward our venerable community's legacy. 

We also completed a successful Artist's Way activity group, which supported many of us further on our artistic journeys. 

We shared meals, and candles, and crafts, and laughter. 

It's my hope for the New Year that we continue to stabilize and grow our financial position; we are in better shape than previously, but are still running a significant deficit. 

I also hope that our membership continues to grow, and we find new ways to be of service to our community. 

Warmest wishes to you all, and Happy New Year!


Council Meeting This Month

Our next Council meeting will be on Sunday 19 January at 12-2 pm. Let Nolu know if you’d like to attend, and she will send you the documents for review.

Thank you all for your continued time, treasures, and talents you bring to this thriving community. We are excited to meet with you soon!

Have questions or comments for Council? Please email us at community@capetownunitarians.org.

Source: https://www.capetownunitarians.org/new-blo...