June 2021 Newsletter

Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –

Our theme for June is “Play”. We have some exciting services and activities planned, including fun volunteer opportunities, a workshop and another game day! Look for the details under “Upcoming Events”.

Please welcome our new council members: Celeste Esau, Charlene Bantantou, Elspeth Muirhead, Lionel Willis and Sarah-Joy Taylor. We are deeply grateful for their willingness to service our community.

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May 2021 Newsletter

Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –

Our theme for June is “Play”. How can we inject more play in our lives in the midst of a pandemic? Join us on Sundays at 10:30 am as we explore this theme, along with deepening our bonds with each other in the CTU community.

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March 2021 Newsletter

Greetings, CTU Members and Friends,

Our March theme is Commitment, and we have some exciting speakers planned for this month! I am deeply grateful for the commitment so many of you have made to the Cape Town Unitarians, and I feel an exciting energy bubbling up within our becoming beloved community.

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January 2021 Newsletter

Greetings CTU members and friends,

As we continue to find our way through this challenging time, please know that our beloved Unitarian community is here to provide strength and support. We each can commit to be there for each other, and to help heal ourselves, our family, our friends and the world.

On Saturday 23 January, 3 - 4:30 pm, an online overview of Unitarianism will be presented, and all are welcome to attend. If you want to know more about becoming a member of Cape Town Unitarians on 7 February, let me know.

Also, I will be teaching a six-week Basics of Buddhism class each Tuesday starting on the 19th January 6:00 - 7:30 pm. See below for details.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you need some additional support during these trying times. I am grateful to have you all in my life.

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October 2020 Newsletter

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Cape Town Unitarians group photo
CTU members gathered at Soraya Salie’s Peace Garden in Bontehewuel for our annual flower service. From left to right: Elspeth Muirhead, Hans Moolman, Soraya Salie, Martha Holmes, Clarence Esau, Celeste Esau, Dianne Maxwell, Louie Esterhuizen, Melanie Ferreira and Sarah Van Borek.
Greetings CTU members and friends,

We have somehow made it through to Level 1 and spring! I'm feeling encouraged by the warmer weather as well as seeing some of you in person (socially distanced of course!). We will be back in the church on Sunday 25 October, and we'd love to have up to 15 people come, whilst still having our Zoom option as well. Also, at 12 p.m. that day, we will have another Game Day! Bring your game and your enthusiasm.

We will also finish up our Santa's Shoebox project on that Sunday, with parcelling and packaging. Thanks to everyone who donated time, talent and treasure for this special opportunity.

We are saddened to report that Jeff Goy passed away on 19 September. His memorial was held on 25 September. We celebrated a life well lived and honoured his service to the Cape Town Unitarian community. If anyone would like to reach out to his wife, Merilyn, contact me.
With light and love,
Rev. Nima
WhatsApp number: 0760249120
4 October: Meditation Practices to Deepen Our Listening Skills
Nima will share different meditation practices that enable us to listen more deeply to others, as well as to our inner voice. Join us for some meditation and journaling time.

11 October: Listening for the Call to Adventure
Leigh Meinert will introduce Joseph Campbell's archetypal 'hero's journey' and we will explore how this plays out in the grand stories that we love all so and in the smaller arc of our daily lives. In his book 'The Hero With A Thousand Faces' Campbell writes, "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek." Join us if you are feeling brave.

18 October: Healing Ourselves, Healing Nature
Join Rev. Roux Malan as he helps us explore the relationship between our connection to nature, emotion, healing and spiritual practice.

25 October: Listening to Our Higher Selves
Join Nima as she examines the many ways we can listen to the voice of our higher self, to listen to our deepest yearning, and to hear the Source of all. Mystics throughout the ages have found solace in connecting into this deeper sense of knowing.
Lay Leaders Program
4 Oct. • Sun. • 12 - 3 p.m. on Zoom
This month, Rev. Roux Malan will begin a three-part series of classes on social justice. All are welcome to participate.
Email Nima for info
Spiritual Not Religious Check-In
Wednesdays • 8 - 9 p.m. on Zoom
Every week we meet to talk about spiritual topics. Past discussions have covered love and loss and heritage.
Meeting ID: 945 1671 4009
Password: 531769
Join Zoom meeting
Chalice Circle Mowbray
24 Oct. • Sat. • 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
All are welcome. This group meets once a month to reflect on a specific spiritual principle. The material for this month covers the topic of “Deep Listening”.
Email Natalie Billings
for info + materials
Game Day • 25 Oct. • Sun. • 12 - 2pm
Game Day is back! Bring your board and card games to CTU for an afternoon of fun rafter the Sunday service. All ages welcome. We will sell mince salomies and veggie salomies for R30 each. Please bring your own drinks. Mask wearing and social distancing will be required.
Email Melanie Ferreira for more information
Somerset West Unitarian Fellowship
There will be no meeting in October. Please contact Dave Mayes at 021-850-0863 or davidjeanmayes@gmail.com for more information.
Johannesburg Unitarian Fellowship
Due to the lockdown, meetings have been suspended. For more information about this fellowship and future meetings, please contact the Secretary, Doug Wilson at douglas.brett.wilson@gmail.com.
Durban Unitarian Fellowship
Due to the lockdown, meetings have been suspended. For more information about this fellowship and future meetings, please contact the Spokesperson Carol on carol@seedtrust.net or visit the Durban Unitarian website at www.unitarian.co.za.
2021 Youth Religious Education Project
Martha Holmes, Shelley Adams and Rev. Nima have been meeting to create a monthly programme for the kids in 2021, one for the younger children and another for the tweens/teens. Nima has purchased a teen package from Soul Matters to provide the curriculum, and the parents met at Arderne Gardens to discuss options. Stay tuned for more information in November.
Buy a Cape Town Unitariants T-shirt
Post-lockdown special: Buy one shirt and get one free!
T-shirts are for sale for only R150 each – buy, sponsor or donate a t-shirt. Support our community. Contact Celeste Esau via WhatsApp at 0824338815 to place your order.
Donate to Cape Town Unitarians
Even though we are not holding in-person services yet, our running costs remain the same. If you are able to EFT a little extra this month to compensate for the in-person collections that we can’t take, we would really appreciate that. Here is our bank information:
Standard Bank, Unitarian Church
Branch 051001, A/C # 070440719
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
Likewise though, if you are struggling financially or emotionally in this time please let Rev. Nima know so that our Pastoral Care Team can provide you with as much support as we can. Thank you.
This space is for spiritually-related writing and stories from our members and friends. We know that there are writers among us – please send us your stories and writing. Please contact Nima on NimaJanentTaylor@gmail with questions or send her a copy.
1. Council is committed to reduce the deficit and draw down on our investment and will introduce several changes:
  • • A full-time administrator next year will replace Elspeth Muirhead in her current job and will also take on bookkeeping and admin tasks Nima has been doing. The new job will be posted in October.
  • • Rev. Nima’s two-year contract ends in February but by mutual agreement between her and the council, she will continue as CTU’s pastor at one-quarter time. Nima will focus on Sunday services, life celebrations (marriages, funerals, blessings) and major pastoral care visits while a core of our volunteer lay leaders will assist Nima in ministry and the running of our community.
  • • Services in the building will take place twice a month with Zoom services every week. Unitarians from other parts of South Africa will be invited to become members of CTU if they so wish.
2. Nima will work with a team of those interested in rewording the UUA 8th principle on anti-racism. This will be presented to the congregation for review.

3. We will purchase Soul Matters material for the older children in Chalice Kids for the year ahead as a cost and time effective curriculum.

4. Hibbert Trust has paid us grant money for the year, which will be spent on repairing the windows and dealing with the borer beetle and rat problem.
Melanie Ferreira, Secretary: 081-790-8030
Eduan Hauman, Treasurer: 083-580-2038
Martha Holmes, Member: 072-521-4504
Leigh Meinert, Chairperson: 082-408-4525
Laura Pohl, Member: 060-488-0372
Nima Taylor, Minister: 076-024-9120

Elspeth Muirhead, Church Secretary: 072-077-9911, elspethmuirhead@gmail.com

© 2020 Cape Town Unitarians


Via EFT: Unitarian Church
Standard Bank, Branch 051001, Account # 070440719
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ

Via Payfast (credit or debit cards):

Cape Town Unitarians

64 Hout Street, CBD
Cape Town 8000, Western Cape, South Africa
Contact Rev. Nima for information

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