Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
Our July theme is equity, the first monthly theme chosen from our new Principle Statement. What does the value of equity mean, and how do we as a community practice it, cultivate it and bring it forward into a living principle?.
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Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
June’s theme is delight! We’ll explore the different ways we can experience delight as well as have two special speakers. I’ll be on retreat 22-25 June, but Cele will lead that Sunday gathering and speak to the Winter Solstice that is almost upon us.
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Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
This month the theme is being with the community. We will explore how we care for each other in times of joys and sadness, and we will also welcome new members.
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Bring us your talents, your treasures, your time—and now even your (recyclable) trash!
Thanks to Cele and Hans, we are launching an initiative to recycle items at Imagined Earth reverse vending machines in exchange for cash, airtime and vouchers via the Imagined Earth app. Each item is worth a different amount according to its size and composition. Our goal is to help the environment while raising funds for our community.
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How can we as the Cape Town Unitarians community actively participate and honour our principles, namely our “respect for the interdependent web of all existence, of which we are a part”?
We can create circular economies and to grow greener communities and cities, a response that aligns our efforts with Earth Day 2023 (which was yesterday) and this year’s theme of “Investing in Our Planet”.
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Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
April is a month of celebrations for the Abrahamic religions: Passover, Easter, Ramadan! We will be exploring the meaning of these various traditions and discover new ways of understanding, practicing and celebrating these three religious traditions.
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Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
Our March theme is vulnerability, and we’ll have many opportunities to explore how to cultivate more vulnerability into our lives, and why doing so helps create a profound shift in our life.
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Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
Our February theme is “Love”. We’ll explore going beyond romantic love to self-love and even Divine Love! We are delighted to have our member from Oxford, Jacky Woodman, sharing a reflection on Love from two female mystics’ perspective. Then, we have Christine Terry who will be sharing “Centering Prayer” with us, with some practice opportunities.
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Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
Welcome to 2023! What a delight to travel this spiritual journey with you all. This month, the theme is “finding your centre”, and it seems so appropriate for these uncertain times we are living through. How do we ground ourselves despite the waves and winds that want to blow us around?
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Our theme for December is wonder! How can we cultivate more wonder in our world? December we’ll explore this question and together celebrate the festive season.
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Our theme for November is Change, and we’ll have several speakers addressing this topic from different perspectives.
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Our theme for October is Courage, and we’ll be exploring how each of us have found the courage needed at important times in our lives.
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Our theme for September is Belonging. Where do you feel like you belong? How can we create relationships that cultivate a sense of belonging? What does belonging feel like to you?
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August is our month for cultivating our imagination. What can we be? How can we help? What wants to happen? These are some of the questions we will ponder together as we snuggle up for our last month of wintry weather.
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Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
Our theme for June is “Celebrating Blessings”, and we have planned several exciting Sunday gatherings and excursions to keep us inspired and engaged and feeling blessed!
Thanks to all for a fantastic AGM, and also thank you to all who voted (!00%!) for our new Principle Statement. And a special thanks to Melanie and Shelley for leading this important effort. Now we will begin exploring how best to integrate the statement throughout our community and our lives. More to follow.
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Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
Our theme for June is “Celebrating Blessings”, and we have planned several exciting Sunday gatherings and excursions to keep us inspired and engaged and feeling blessed!
Thanks to all for a fantastic AGM, and also thank you to all who voted (!00%!) for our new Principle Statement. And a special thanks to Melanie and Shelley for leading this important effort. Now we will begin exploring how best to integrate the statement throughout our community and our lives. More to follow.
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Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
Our theme for May is nurturing beauty. How do we consciously seek to see/experience/cultivate beauty whenever possible?
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Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
Autumn is upon us! The April theme is “Awakening”, and we’ll be exploring how we awaken to our inner truth and the outer experience of belonging in our beloved community. As part of this journey, we will be having New Members Sunday on 3 April. Being a member means you commit to participating how and when you can in CTU and supporting others to do the same. It also enables you to vote in our upcoming AGM on 29 May. Let me know if you like more information.
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Greetings, CTU Members and Friends –
Where do we want to go, Individually and as a community?
We have come through an incredibly difficult two years, and now we have a precious opportunity to reflect, renew and reenergize our individual spiritual practice AND our community practice.
This month we will come together in many different ways, and I look forward to hearing from each of you how the Cape Town Unitarians can best support you on your spiritual path!
See below for the meaningful and fun ways to reconnect to yourself and our beloved community.
With love,
Nima // WhatsApp number: 0760249120
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